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    Wednesday, April 1, 2009

    Bali - THE GALUNGAN Festival

    THE GALUNGAN DAY (Held on March 18, 2009): Bali's most important festival is the Galungan festival.
    The following photos are the offerings they use...


    jezalmy said...

    What this festive mean? Really which to be there.

    jen ® said... jak makkai loi geh? hao chiong thong ngin giet fun ai jak sugar cane

    Borneo Falcon said...

    Some of those might make a perfect Valentine's gift also. He...He...

    Agnes said...

    hmm..look interesting..wonder what they celebrate? BTW..u and Jen using Hakka to communicate....that awesome!!

    Celine Mook said...

    I don't get you. For wat one this festival?

    Josephine said...

    jezalmy & Celine: I donno what is the festival for. I am not Balinese T____T sorry gals, maybe u can google it...

    Jen: lia gai han gao goh kan jiah!

    Borneo Falcon: Choy! Is for the god lah

    Agnes: U wanna join us?

    Doreen said...

    Got biscuit in the bouquet? It is a bouquet right? And it is real edible biscuit on it?

    Anonymous said...

    looks nice ..but what's the festival abt?

    Superman said...

    they use cookies. hehe. chinese also use many type of foods for offerings.

    Calvin Soo KJ said...

    when i was there, they didnt have this. all i know is that they were preparing for a huge cremation together with their king. and later star paper posted about the event. but some of the items that they make was kinda scary....with fangs and extremely long tongues.....eerie!!!

    soulesscloudy said...

    so co-incident u at there for the festival...

    Anonymous said...

    o.O weird looking festival lah, Jo...

    Pete said...

    Nice handy work!

    Shinky said...

    Er.. they celebrate just by hanging some deco or putting some biscuits on ________? >.<"

    Don't understand...

    Watching your bali photos give me an impression that Bali is somekind of ancient mystery. So eeriee and scary. >.<"

    Ashley said...


    amei79 said...

    wah really lazy extra info or wat on the choice have to google it, haha